Thursday, January 10, 2019

Nostradamus - French Thinker of the 15th Century Known for Prophecy

With a Chicago background, Paul Liska focuses on corporate growth and transformation strategies. Paul Liska has a passion for reading books on history, including biographical works. He recently enjoyed Nostradamus: A Life and Myth by John Hogue.

Living in the early 16th century, Michel de Nostradamus was a French physician who converted from Judaism to Christianity. He was notable for his knowledge of the occult and astrology, which were forbidden at the time by the Church and its emerging Inquisition. As a pagan theurgist, Nostradamus had written a bestselling book of predictions that attracted the attention of French nobility. 

Predictions that came true during Nostradamus’ time included the forecast that Henry of Navarre would emerge as the ruler of France. Nostradamus’ predictions were not limited to one era, and one of his most famous assertions was that the world would end on New Year’s Day, 2000. Although this did not come to pass, it has not dissuaded scholars from continuing to pore over Nostradamus’ texts for clues to possible future events.